Thursday, January 27, 2011

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 - Xbox 360

I hadn't planned on playing The Force Unleashed 2, but it just kind of fell into my lap. I was house sitting last week and had planned on playing Blue Dragon, when I noticed they owned Force Unleashed 2. I figured I might as well give it a shot while I had it instead of renting it.

I should have enjoyed The Force Unleashed 2. I really should have. They seemed to have changed some of the things that I disliked about the first. And despite its flaws I still really enjoyed the first Force Unleashed. Though for some reason I just couldn't get into The Force Unleashed 2... something just didn't click.

Even though they fixed a lot of the things I complained about in the first one, they still didn't fix them all the way. The annoying quicktime events? Still there, sure there are less of them, but they're still there and they're still annoying. The targeting? Still not what I want it to be. Occasionally you just can't target the stormtrooper you want to, and that can be a problem. Why you ask? Because The Force Unleashed 2 is significantly harder... kind of.

It's not that the game is harder, it's an artificial difficulty. The bad guys aren't more difficult to kill it's just that there's more of them, and their attacks are more annoying. Then they do things like mix bad guys, ones who can't be hurt by the force with ones that can't be hurt by lightsabers. So you're trying to attack some with lightsabers and others with force magic, and that's where the problem of targeting comes in. You're trying to do to much at once on a game that just doesn't handle like you want it to. It's not a horrible problem but overall it detracts from the game. You will end up dying a lot more then you did in the first one... but all of your deaths will feel kind of cheap.

The game is also still way too short. I started playing it at about three o' clock in the afternoon the day I got there, and with some major time not playing I still manged to finish it by morning of the next day. I would say there's maybe five to six hours of gameplay... padded gameplay. I would say at least an hour or so of that was spent on two boss fights: The Gorog and Darth Vader. Those two boss fights may be the most padded boss fights I've ever seen. It got to the point that they were so long I got bored. And on top of everything else for the most part they're long because they're confusing. You're vaguely told what you have to do and left to kind of fill in the blanks. On both fights I had to consult a walkthrough to see what the hell I was supposed to be doing. I'm okay with a game being short if there's a high amount of replayability or some sort of multiplayer. With The Force Unleashed 2 you get a really short game and that's it.

I really enjoyed the first Force Unleashed game. It's probably one of my favorite Star Wars games. Yet somehow they managed to take the second one, add things to make it better, and somehow end up making it not as much fun. Sure there were some things I enjoyed: I started off with all my powers, the rage meter thing was kind of fun, and the story was pretty good... but overall I just didn't have as much fun as I did with the first. I've played the first game four times, after I beat the first one on light side I instantly played it again to get the dark side ending. With the second one I had no desire to replay it, maybe sometime down the road but certainly not after I had just beat it. The Force Unleashed 2 isn't a bad game (though I would say it's not worth $60), but I didn't get as much enjoyment out of it as the first. I would say it's worth a rent, but I wouldn't expect a lot out of it.


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