So after the whole "Awww crap! Our servers have been haxored!" debacle that happened with the PS3 they gave away two free games. Seemed like a good deal to me since it didn't effect me at all. I think it made it so I had to watch Netflix on my Xbox360 and that's about it. I couldn't really decide which games I wanted, it came down to Little Big Planet, Dead Nation and InFamous. Since my brother was getting InFamous and I figured I could play over at his house I decided to go with Dead Nation, and quite frankly I'm glad that I did.
I've always enjoyed top down shooters since probably I first played Smash TV on SNES. I think they're a very under-appreciated genre. When done well I think they're a really good, brainless time. And that's exactly what Dead Nation is. It's not going to win awards for writing but I'll be damned if I didn't enjoy pretty much every minute I played of it.
One of my major complaints about zombie games is that there are not enough zombies. With Dead Nation there was no problem on that front. When you first start playing there's a lot of zombies, somewhere around level three you get more zombies then you can handle. Making it this frantic, fun filled race to the checkpoint. Much like Left 4 Dead (which this game borrows quiet a bit from) you get a variety of different zombies including the fat zombies, the fast zombies, the jumping zombies, the hulking zombies and your run of the mill zombies. There's a LOT of zombies. Everywhere. You will spend every single level running from zombies, trying to get the horde off of you and trying to make it to the end of the level alive. It's just a damn good time.
Dead Nation is $15, has a ton of replayability, is fairly long (I would say probably a good 10+ hours), and overall is just really, really fun. If you have PS3 and didn't pick this up as your "we're sorry!" game I highly suggest you buy it.
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